Implements an n-dimensional parameter space partitioning algorithm for evaluating the global behaviour of formal computational models as described by Pitt, Kim, Navarro and Myung (2006)

2021-07-05T09:55:05+0100: THIS MANUAL IS IN DEVELOPMENT


A big influence on this implementation is an instantiation of the Open Models Initiative, catlearn.

Watch the talk of Andy Wills: “The OpenModels project” from Open Research Working Group (ORWG) virtual meeting 08/09/20.

The project’s architecture is also influenced by DEoptim. DEoptim implements a Differential Evolutionary Optimization algorithm for model-fitting.

We are completely open-source and free. Anyone can contribute. If you would like to raise an issue or contribute code, use Github, message or email me (@lenarddome).

There is a great and concise blog post about it by Andy Wills, who helped me quite a bit in understanding what psp is and how it works. He is also an author on the package. His post makes some great points about the essence of parameter space partitioning. I thought that I would complement that post with a non-exhaustive manual.

In the remainder of this post, I will walk through the steps of using psp. This walk-through will use a two parameter model. PSP will need to find 10 distinct regions.


For the stable version:


For the developmental version:



Then we put together a model (essentially a model of a polytope), that calculates the euclidean distance from a selected number of points. These points are selected at random at the beginning and kept constant throughout the simulation. In the original paper, Pitt, Kim, Navarro and Myung (2006) used a hypercube to test the algorithm, here I will use a polytope. I choose to use a polytope, because I want the regions to vary in size, compared to a hypercube where the space is uniformly partitioned.

#' euclidean distance
#' @param a vector coordinate 1
#' @param b vector coordinate 2
#' @return euclidean distance between coordinates
euclidean <- function(a, b) sqrt(sum((a - b)^2))

# define center points for the 10 regions in a two-dimensional space
positions <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(2)) positions <- cbind(positions, sample(500, 10))

If we have those two, we could put together our model of a polytope. We need to code our model, so it take sin a vector of parameters and outputs a character vector. It doesn’t have to be a character vector. It can also be a Boolean, or integers, but I am yet to test it with those.

#' dummy polytope model to test the PSP function
#' The model takes in a set of coordinates, calculates its distance from all
#' all of available coordinates, then return closest region number.
#' This model generalizes to n-dimensions
#' @param x a vector of coordinates
#' @return The number of the region as character
#' @examples
#' model(runif(5))
model <- function(par) {
    areas <- NULL
    for (i in seq_along(par)) {
        range <- c(1, 0)
        if (i %% 2 == 0) {
            range <- c(0, 1)
        areas <- cbind(areas,
                       seq(range[1], range[2], length.out = 500)[positions[,i]])
    dist <- apply(areas, 1, function(x) euclidean(par, x))



Now we can let psp do its job. Here we run the MCMC for 400 iterations, but the partitioning will stop if the population of all regions reach 300. Note that we have to load our utility function into the clusters, because psp_global will run parallel.

# run Parameter Space Partitioning with some default settings
out <- psp_global(model, psp_control(lower = rep(0, 2),
                                   upper = rep(1, 2),
                                   init = rep(0.5, 2),
                                   radius = rep(0.25, 2),
                                   pop = 300,
                                   cluster_names = c("positions",
                                   iterations = 500))

This process produces us the following result:


  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10
300 344 317 306 359 358 307 396 416 397

In this case, psp_global stopped before it reached the 500th iteration, because all regions reached at least 300 pop. We can also see that some regions have a population larger than 300. This is because even though the sampling from that regions stopped, new points can still be classed as members of those regions.

So PSP partitioned the parameter space into distinct disjointed regions, according to what the model predicted.

This is how it looks under the hood in real time:

Each colour is a separate region.


This was a simple model bearing no psychological commitment - unless you are one of the few believing that the brain has a geometry module or that learning happens according to laws of geometry.

The question is what we can do with the output now? A simple next step could be calculating volume of the regions. Behaviours that occupy large regions in the parameter space might be more frequent behaviours, therefore might need more of our attentiont. Maybe the behaviour with the largest region is something that we haven’t even observed yet.

Alternatively, you can try to discover clusters of points in the parameter space within regions and ordinal patterns. There might be many ways a model might operate but still outputs the same result.

You can compare how many different qualitative outputs the model produces and how many of those have been observed in humans. You might also try to figure out when unobserved qualitative outputs occur according to the model.


I had some thoughts while trying to implement the algorithm. Turns out, some of my concern was picked up by people other than me.

VOLUMES [will not be included]

Not feasible to implement a method that generalizes to n-dimensional polyhedra or convex polytope. There are already packages out there that can do it. I would leave it for the user. The method of calculating the volume/area of each region should be an explicit choice the modeller makes.

BURN-IN [will not be implemented]

If you have a decent starting point (e.g. parameters EXIT uses to produce inverse base-rate effect, or ALCOVE best-fitting parameters for the Type I-VI problems), burn-in is unnecessary.

I am also not sure why burn-in is necessary for parameter space partitioning. It seems counter-intuitive to discard areas you explored in the parameter space if you’d like to explore said parameter space. Here we have no target to reach other than to fill in the whole space - unlike scenarios where you want to optimize some point estimate like the mean of a distribution

One problem we might encounter is that regions further away from our starting jumping distribution will be under-sampled. This could be avoided by increasing the number of iterations, so the MCMC will sample long enough to adequately populate those regions as well. One might also choose to decrease the radius to sample from smaller areas surrounding the jumping distributions.

Resources to look through:
